As per the latest reports, the White House has invited the chief executives of several tech giants to participate in a virtual summit. According to the reports, the White House will be hosting the summit where it will be discussing the global shortage of semiconductors.
The sources have revealed that the major companies that the White House has approached include General Motors, AT&T, Alphabet (Google’s parent), and Intel. In the invitations, the White House administration has confirmed that the virtual summit will be held on Monday, April 12, 2021.
The summit takes as Joe Biden’s administration wants to identify as to what problems the major supply chains for semi-conductors are facing. The administration also wants to identify the top and key supply chains for the United States of America.
The administration is not only after the major suppliers of semi-conductors but the providers of other electronic tools as well. The local media sources have revealed that the administration is trying to establish the top suppliers for the country in different sectors.
The major sectors include suppliers of rate earth metals, medical supplies, high-capacity batteries as well as semi-conductors.
The shortage of semiconductors is one of the major problems that countries from around the world are currently facing. There are several companies and industries that have been badly impacted by the shortage of semiconductors.
Some of the major companies are manufacturers of electronic appliances. Then there are computers, other electronic devices as well as vehicles. The shortage of semi-conductors has also caused a problem for the medical supplies in different regions.
Companies such as Ford and General Motors even had to cut the production of their vehicles or cut down on shifts for the workers. Several car manufacturing companies have even shut down their plants for some time in order to cope with the shortage of supplies.
The shortage of the chips commenced from Asia as the continent is currently responsible for the production of the majority of the chips that are shipped around the world.
However, as the pandemic hit the entire region before others, extreme lockdowns and curfews were imposed all over Asia. This resulted in the plants being shut down that were responsible for producing the majority of the chips for the entire world.
As the pandemic went on for several months, Asia wasn’t able to do much in order to control the situation.
This is when countries from the European region as well as the North American region have realized the importance of manufacturing their own chips.
Therefore, the United States of America is also looking into expanding and increasing its production of semiconductors. The country is planning to do it so it can become independent and does not rely on other countries.