According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Rex Friedman and other Bitcoin supporters, the Nobel Prize in economics simply must go to Bitcoin (BTC) creator Satoshi Nakamoto.
The honor to Satoshi
However, Cryptoverse believes that Nakamoto should be honored for his efforts to change the global monetary system and is the most worthy nominee.
Meanwhile, regarding 2022 nominees, crypto-artist Lucio Poletti said Tuesday that Ben Bernanke “made currency to save the banking company, which caused the subprime scheme and financial crisis. Here’s why. Lots of various experts have joined the debate on Nakamoto’s honor.
The debates continue
But some have debated that the Nobel Prize should not go to institutions with questionable genetic engineering and that Nakamoto is not worthy of the honor.
Others, such as University of California Anderson finance professor Bhagwan Chowdhry, who put the candidate, the Bitcoin innovator, in the Nobel prize winners category, has a completely opposite opinion and has argued with various people for years.
MicroStrategy CEO opinion
Friedman also expressed that thought in a 2021 June tweet, and discussed that with Bitcoin Bull Michael Thaler, former CEO of IT company MicroStrategy. The latter also submitted a tweet in which Nakamoto was named responsible for both innovations. He argued that Satoshi has to be nominated for his great influence on modern technology.
Anthony Pumpriano, co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital, said Nakamoto was initially expected to be the 2019 winner, but according to the Nobel Prize’s FAQ site, it’s unlikely that an unknown person would have won. As one columnist said at an assembly in 2012, the Nobel Prize has only been presented to one person from a neighboring country.
If the committee can’t be sure about the person, whether he is even alive or not, they can’t give an nameless subject a Nobel Prize. Meantime, a statue was unveiled in virtue of Nakamoto in Hungarian Budapest. The statue was created by Hungarian statue maker Tamás Gehry and Rika Gilgry and is a statue clad in light.
It resembles the head of the great creator. It is spread over with a surface indicating that all bitcoin lovers can come face to face with Satoshi.